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Safeguarding Your Operations with Modern Control Solutions


Mitigate Risk, Enhance Safety


Obsolete controllers can be a critical vulnerability in your industrial environment, exposing operations to the risk of downtime, data breaches, and safety hazards. DelaControl’s upgrade services ensure your control systems are up to date with the latest safety standards and technology, protecting your operations and personnel.

Seamless Transition, Minimal Downtime


Our team specialises in upgrading control systems with precision and efficiency, ensuring a seamless transition with minimal impact on your production processes. We understand the importance of continuity in your operations, and our strategies are designed to implement upgrades swiftly and smoothly.

Future-Proof Your Operations


Upgrading to modern controllers extends the life of your control systems, making them more adaptable to future technological advances and integration with emerging industrial IT solutions. DelaControl ensures your systems are scalable, secure, and ready for the challenges of tomorrow.

Customised Upgrade Solutions


We recognise that each industrial environment has unique requirements. DelaControl provides tailored upgrade solutions that align with your specific operational needs, budget, and long-term objectives. Our approach is consultative, working closely with you to assess your current system, identify vulnerabilities, and design an upgrade path that aligns with your goals.

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"DelaControl is proud to offer specialised upgrade solutions for control systems operating with obsolete controllers. In the rapidly evolving landscape of industrial automation, staying ahead with the latest control technologies is not just an option - it's a necessity. Obsolete controllers pose significant risks to production efficiency, safety, and reliability. DelaControl's upgrade services are meticulously designed to transition your operations from outdated control systems to modern, secure, and efficient solutions, minimising risk and maximising operational continuity."

Our Upgrade Process

Assessment and Planning


Comprehensive evaluation of your existing control system to identify potential risks and areas for improvement.


Solution Design


Creation of a customised upgrade plan that specifies the modern controllers and technologies best suited to your needs.


Implementation and Integration


Skilled execution of the upgrade, ensuring compatibility with existing systems and minimal disruption to operations.


Testing and Validation


Rigorous testing of the upgraded system to confirm operational integrity and performance enhancement.


Training and Support


Providing your team with the necessary training and ongoing support to ensure smooth operation of the new system.

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